Improve Your Smile With Cosmetic Dentistry

Improve Your Smile With Cosmetic Dentistry

How Can An Overbite Affect Veneers?

by Christy Long

Your smile introduces you to the world. So if you suffer from dental issues, you may be left feeling self-conscious every time you meet a new person. Cosmetic dentistry procedures such as veneers help you make the best possible impression on others and carry yourself with confidence. But how do veneers work with other dental problems like an overbite? And should you fix a misalignment before investing in veneers? 

Understanding Malocclusions

Overbites are part of a family of dental disorders known as malocclusions. Occlusion describes the way your upper and lower set of teeth meet each other when your mouth is closed. Ideally, they should contact evenly, resting on top of each other with little overlap. For many patients, however, one set of teeth is offset. When your upper teeth rest over your lower teeth, this is commonly called an overbite.

Malocclusions vary in their severity. Some are hardly noticeable and won't impact your ability to bite or speak. Others can be more apparent, leading to the appearance of "buck teeth" and possible speech impediments. Your teeth may also be more likely to chip or break with a misaligned bite. 

Fixing Minor Overbites

Many patients wonder if veneers can help reduce their overbite. Veneers work by resting over your real teeth, which are typically shaved down to accommodate them. While veneers may be able to lessen its appearance, they're not a real fix for a malocclusion. Nonetheless, in cases of a minor overbite, veneers could be all you need to adjust your bite and bring your teeth into alignment. 

Protecting Your Veneers

More serious overbites pose a long-term challenge for veneers. Because the structural issue is still there, veneers can only mask so much. And the same abnormal bite patterns that place your natural teeth in jeopardy can also damage your veneers. While chips can always be fixed, it represents potential embarrassment, inconvenience, and extra cost on your part.  

Correcting Malocclusions Before Getting Veneers

Veneers offer a less invasive, economical, and long-lasting way to transform your smile, but they also require permanent alterations to the natural teeth below. This makes it more difficult to correct a malocclusion after their installation. If you develop a condition like temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ, for example, fixing it may take more time and effort with veneers in place. For this reason, you should consider correcting your overbite before investing in veneers.

The good news is that, in many cases, veneers can actually help a misaligned bite and won't require additional steps before installation. If you suffer from a severe overbite and aren't sure how to start fixing it, call your local dentist specializing in care esthetics. With the right consultation, you can set yourself on the path to both a healthier and more attractive smile.


About Me

Improve Your Smile With Cosmetic Dentistry

I was very unhappy with the way that my front teeth looked. They were crooked and stained with an ugly yellow tint. I asked my dentist if there was anything that could be done to improve them. After discussing the options with my dentist, I decided to have crowns put on my front teeth. The procedure was painless and I wish that I had done it sooner. My name is Constance Graham and I am writing this blog to inform others about cosmetic dentistry. If you don’t like the way your teeth look, speak to your dentist about improving your smile. There are various cosmetic procedures that you can have done such as veneers, crowns, teeth whitening, and dental implants. I hope you use the information in this blog to learn more about cosmetic dentistry and how it can help you.